Spring Cleaning Our Creativity

Spring Cleaning Our Creativity

If you have ever seen a child weed in the garden, they tend to pull the weeds out from the top without the proper tool to get the root.  In a matter of weeks, that same weed will  start to peek out of the dirt because the roots were not removed. 

In the same way, we need tools if we are going to root out things that seek to prevent our garden growing into fruitful creativity.

Uniquely Branded For Creativity

Uniquely Branded For Creativity

You are not some ordinary lump of clay, but you carry the breath and brand of Creator God, being from a Heavenly source — God, Himself.  

Not only has God breathed His life into you, He has also made you creatively unique, and is proud of the way you are created.

He has made you with dreams, desires, and gifts because you are His delight.  He doesn’t want you to try to fit into someone else’s mold or destiny, but wants you to be proud of the way He has created you.

5 Creative Ways To Get Through Adversity

5 Creative Ways To Get Through Adversity

I want to encourage you to let God in to your pain and let Him speak creatively to you through what others create and how you can create.  

Redemption and restoration is a promise you can creatively declare today for whatever traumas you are facing today or in the future, knowing that my testimony can be your testimony, no matter how dark your season is presently.

5 Practical Tips for Creative Success In Your Art

5 Practical Tips for Creative Success In Your Art

I believe it is time for Kingdom-minded believers, who follow the footsteps of Jesus, to bring our creativity into the forefront, so that people can see the Good News.  

If Jesus used parables to lead people to truth, if Paul’s handkerchiefs healed the sick, and if Moses’ bronze serpent staff brought people healing who looked at it, then what are we waiting for?  

The Art Of Dreaming

The Art Of Dreaming

We can literally dream our way to our destiny.  Our dreams can change us, and the world around us.

Helen Keller observed that, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.”

Dreaming is simply envisioning the possibilities for the impossible to become possible.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and changed the world.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it you can do it.” He also believed that, “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” 

Creative Eating For A Healthy Life

Creative Eating For A Healthy Life

With all of the health information available and various fads advocated, it can be easy to feel discouraged. But a journey to a healthier life does not have to be a hard, confusing one. There is hope to be found and joy to be experienced! 

We often seek the voice of the Lord about the major aspects of life: our purpose, calling, destiny, etc. But what if we were to ask the Holy Spirit what we should have for breakfast? He cares about every aspect of our lives, including the minute details of our day. He is excited to walk on this journey with you! 

Creating Hope in a World of Terror

Creating Hope in a World of Terror

As I heard about the tragic deaths of students and teachers in Florida, who lost their lives to a teenaged gunman, firing in yet another school on American soil, my heart was so grieved.  

My heart goes out to all of those who lost loved ones and family members in tragic terrorist attacks.  

On the news, we see angry and distraught parents, students, educators, law enforcement, and politicians trying to make sense of gun control, safety in the classroom, and how our schools can be safe again.

Using GPS (God’s Positioning System) To Reach Your Creativity Destiny

Using GPS (God’s Positioning System) To Reach Your Creativity Destiny

When I was around five years old, I had an encounter with God on my front porch that set me on a journey towards my creative destiny.  

In that moment, I knew I would grow up to be a pastor and a teacher.

The voice I heard that day enabled me to embark on an adventure that I would have never considered before that day.

Hearing from God regarding your life purpose will be the most important factor in fulfilling your creative destiny.  

Knowing God’s call on your life is the foundation to build the framework of your life. 

The Confidence That Creates Miracles

The Confidence That Creates Miracles

We were in Africa and had just witnessed an entire church get healed of all kinds of diseases. It was like straight out of Acts. My eyeballs questioned the miracles I saw. Medically impossible things happening by the minute. When we were done that night I looked at my friend Rex Crain and said, "Wow, that was amazing!" 

He looked me straight in the eye and said, "Annette, you can do everything I can do. You have the same Jesus living inside you."

Creating in the Midst of Conflict, Busyness, and Difficulty

Creating in the Midst of Conflict, Busyness, and Difficulty

All of us face various difficulties, challenges, and obstacles that we have to navigate throughout the process of fulfilling our creative destiny.  

The world, with its many pressures, family life, jobs, personal struggles, and other outside pressures can take a toll on our desire to move forward to achieve our creative dreams.

Kingdom creators are real people with real problems and struggles in every sphere of life.

How To Keep Your New Years Resolutions

How To Keep Your New Years Resolutions

Lighthouses were built along rocky coastlines to give captains a point of references to safely navigate around obstacles threatening their voyage.

At night, a seasoned captain would constantly keep his eye on the light to ensure he avoided the potential hazards keeping him from his destination.

Similarly, we must continually keep our eyes fixed on the promises that God has given us if we expect to reach the resolutions we have made for 2018.

Theresa Dedmon's Prophetic Word for 2018

Theresa Dedmon's Prophetic Word for 2018

2018 will mark a new era for Christians to access heavenly wisdom that will be demonstrated by the Spirit’s power and will unleash creative ideas and strategies that will take believers to the next level.

2018 will be marked by those whom the Spirit will anoint and rest upon so that they can bring hope and restoration through creative solutions in social media, creative pathways, and through centers of hope and healing.

Sharing God’s Love Through Destiny Cards

Sharing God’s Love Through Destiny Cards

A lot of people have responded to our previous blog “A Christmas Critique of Destiny Cards

Many of you may not be familiar with why I originally came up with the name “Destiny Cards”.  In fact, some people have accused me of simulating tarot cards, and that I somehow endorse the practices of those who give “readings” through tarot cards. 
This is a ridiculous accusation, and nothing could be further from the truth!
So, I wanted to clarify my beliefs and what I intended to mean by the word “Destiny Cards.”  

Creating Christmas Memories

Creating Christmas Memories

Jesus always shows up when we need Him the most.

That’s why it is important to remember the good things He has done for us in the past, as well as establishing creative ways to allow Him to work in and through our lives in this present Christmas season.

Here are 7 traditions that accentuate the significance of Christmas, and makes Christ’s birth special to me, my family, friends, and those I reach out to through Divine Appointments.

A Christmas Critique Of “Destiny Cards”

A Christmas Critique Of “Destiny Cards”

There has been some recent concern about the ministry of Christalignment, and their supposed use of tarot cards in ministering to people at New Age festivals.  

First, “Destiny Cards” are not tarot cards.  They do, however, have a similar look that attracts people who are searching for a “reading”.  What they get from Christalignment staff is a prophetic word about their destiny, which is to have a personal relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ, and encountered through the Holy Spirit.

The Holiday Feast

The Holiday Feast

Every year, our church puts on an event, called the Holiday Feast, where we present an amazing banquet of Tri-tip with all of the trimmings, and invite the poor and needy of our city to dine with us.  

We bus them in from all over the city, so that they can bless them in a multitude of creative ways.  This year we had about 500 children and adults.

Cooking Your Way Into Creativity

Cooking Your Way Into Creativity

Changing Culture Through The Art of Culinary Cuisine

The Culinary Arts play a much larger role in our life experience than we may be aware of.  

It only makes sense, then, that if we want to impact culture, even transform culture, we may have a better chance demonstrating the Good News through the “signs and wonders” of food, as well as our preaching.