
Creators of Light

Creators of Light

As children of light we get to let the God of compassion fuel us into action as we believe that who we are and what we have matters. Our creativity in the hands of God can cause a ripple effect that fills the greatest need and overcome the powers of evil.

What if there’s a song inside you for someone struggling with depression? A dance waiting to be choreographed that displays true love? What does being a child of light mean to a world looking for hope? 

Words Matter

Words Matter

Words are so important in how we are molded according to our destiny, which is why the Israelites gave so much attention to naming their children in the Old Testament. 

It’s incredible how we co-create with God even in birth.  God creates man in the womb, which is hidden from view, but then we get to declare identity and destiny through the names we choose when our children enter the world. 

Today, God wants to breathe life into your identity with words of truth and affirmation about your destiny. 

Uniquely Branded For Creativity

Uniquely Branded For Creativity

You are not some ordinary lump of clay, but you carry the breath and brand of Creator God, being from a Heavenly source — God, Himself.  

Not only has God breathed His life into you, He has also made you creatively unique, and is proud of the way you are created.

He has made you with dreams, desires, and gifts because you are His delight.  He doesn’t want you to try to fit into someone else’s mold or destiny, but wants you to be proud of the way He has created you.

The Confidence That Creates Miracles

The Confidence That Creates Miracles

We were in Africa and had just witnessed an entire church get healed of all kinds of diseases. It was like straight out of Acts. My eyeballs questioned the miracles I saw. Medically impossible things happening by the minute. When we were done that night I looked at my friend Rex Crain and said, "Wow, that was amazing!" 

He looked me straight in the eye and said, "Annette, you can do everything I can do. You have the same Jesus living inside you."